Look downstream and feel the ease, then sit a while longer.
She sat by the edge of the river until her shoulders dropped, then felt her body sink into the old plastic chair. Her bare feet absorbed the cool green freshness of the earth while the sun warmed from the outside in. Churning spring waters rushed by and filled her ears with music that soothed her frantic mind and helped to clear away the residue of a demanding city life.
She made space to dream and felt her heart space warm. Her longings gathered silently round until her deepest desire blossomed forth. Then, with a knowing smile, she sat a while longer and allowed it to be, to settle in. In that moment she knew only love. The baby would be born a year later, my first grandchild.
How does one maintain enough calm in this hectic life to realise exactly what it is we do need and want, to take a look at how we are living and course correct if necessary? Our hearts know the truth, so that is the place to look, where our own sweet magic exists. It speaks, so why not take some time to listen?