Inspired to Write

by Shea Bell

Because this business of becoming conscious, of being a writer, is ultimately about asking yourself, how alive am I willing to be”    Anne Lamott, from Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

One of my greatest pleasures is sitting with Spirit, being open to the inspiration and wisdom not otherwise available to my human mind, the place where nothing earthly matters yet where all that really matters awaits.

How did I get there? A few things happened to open that up.  I decided to stop and make time for myself, to decompress and discover what makes me happy, what would give life meaning.  One day a friend invited me to attend a meeting of the Spiritualist Alliance and life as I knew it changed forever. Walking into the sanctuary I felt immediately at home, welcomed in a way that cannot be explained.

There began a great learning and a great opening. I began to sit in Circle, learned how to get my brain out of the way and connect with Spirit. The absolute truth of this experience took me deeper into my spiritual practice.

I purchased a recliner.  Don’t laugh. I assure you they are not just for seniors.  My kids and their friends were highly amused until they tried it out.  It’s my vehicle of choice for meditation, and led to a daily practice that is the single most important thing I have done to recover my health. discover myself,  and move forward joyfully.

I also started to journal daily. Since no writing skill is required and there are no critics, there is also no pressure.  You may be familiar with Julia Cameron’s morning pages‘ from her book The Artist’s Way. This is where I started.  It was absolutely true for me that no matter what I started out to write, even blah, blah, blah, if I didn’t interfere with the thought process and just wrote what came, about  one and half pages in, poof, out popped the gem. Sometimes this was guidance I didn’t even know I was looking for. I had literally shovelled it off the back burner through the clutter or one might say, manure.  Sometimes I realised that words were coming through me not from me, and with great delight, I discovered inspirational writing.

A curious mind and passion for the story led to hours of writing; poetry, prose and personal essays.  I’ve even started a couple of novels. One I wrapped up after chapter three when I killed off my husband. Apparently that was as far as I needed to go to get over my divorce! The satisfaction was enormous. Yes, writing is healing and with discretion,  can be a legal way to resolve anger issues.

When the inspiration hits I feel an urgency to act. Once on a road trip to Seattle, navigating five lanes of traffic on the Interstate, a poem burst into my consciousness and demanded to be written without delay. I kept my eyes on the road, fumbled for the pen and notebook, then balanced the paper in the centre of the steering wheel. What was I thinking? In the early days these moments of inspiration were so compelling I didn’t dare let them pass but I do take care now to pull safely off the road. I also make sure there is a notebook in every corner of my life, much like one does who needs reading glasses.

This blog is the biggest inspired writing project I have ever undertaken. It began several months ago out of the blue, when I found myself randomly thinking of subjects to write about. As more titles flowed through, and the pace quickened, it became obvious to me something was underway, so I made a spreadsheet. Over a period of three months or so I recorded over 100 topics without doing any actual writing! It felt like something was underway even though I had no clue what was up, so I literally played along and enjoyed the process.

One day I went to the spreadsheet, picked a title and started writing.  In fleshing out the idea I could see that I was being given was the foundation for a blog, something I wanted for a long time.  In a matter of days I had a domain name, a niche, and had selected my platform and web developer.  That’s when my job began in earnest, the writing.  One blog was just the beginning, but it looked to me like I had material and momentum.

I would like to share this morning’s words as an example of my experience with inspirational writing. To begin I sit quietly and wait to receive a word or two, a random thought or knowing, and once I start typing, the full message falls out on the page without any direction from me.  The flow only stops if I stop to correct grammar, spelling, or interfere in any way with the message. It is a subtle process that only requires complete disengagement!  In order to ignore spell check, I type with my eyes closed with just the occasional peak to make sure my hands have not shifted over a key.  I have experienced the frustration of a page full of unintelligible words!

When I read it over I notice the cadence is not mine, or that language is used in a way that is not natural for me, so it is easy to see the message was not generated by my own brain. The exquisiteness of this experience is beyond description.

Here is the message. For ease of reading I did correct the spelling, but nothing else was changed.

“In the delicate layers of our being lies the mystery of life; the constant unfoldment of our Divine essence, our quest.

As a layer peels away, the next brings us closer and there is expansion, realised or not.

In the fullness there is a sense of self that propels us through times of high challenge as well as creation. Sometimes the challenges are crushing, but there is always another layer of perfume more intoxicating if there is a will to move forward, to allow the petal to drop.

With each creation comes more heartfelt self-awareness. The true spirit of who we are as well what we are capable of is revealed.  

We always do our best, but we don’t always face the outcome of our actions head on. We are beset by droughts, monsoons, disease, and pestilence, and then turn away from the lesson.

Even in the glory moments we must be open to guidance.

Courage is required to take responsibility and understand that life does continue on the other side of what feels like insurmountable challenge. Accepting help is the way. Co-creation is the hope and the answer.

In taking responsibility, and respecting self and others, the reward is enormous. Although it may seem impossible at times, love and joy will follow.

If we do not judge ourselves, we will not judge others. Leading with love becomes the way.

Sometimes we drop our heads awhile to release shame and hopelessness, to work through a trauma or regret. Taking time is necessary for this grieving process, which is intimate and sacred, and must therefore be honoured. But we are not alone as we strike out on this journey of our lifetime.

The rose hip awaits the blessed release from her season of glory. Sink down into the well of your being, into the unknown. The reason for passing the season of your life is the journey you undertake to understand more, to course correct, and move into joy. Sharing that joy makes a difference.”

What to do with all this?  That’s where my recliner comes in; a few minutes to think about the message before I step into the day, just a little bit more centred than before and reminded how grateful I am for this life.

The beauty within awaits discovery.

Thank you for joining me. Please scroll all the way to the bottom to leave a reply.  I would love to hear from you.  




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Verna Bell September 26, 2018 - 7:28 pm

When the need to write is as desperate as the need to paint, you just have to do it.

Shea Bell September 27, 2018 - 4:51 pm

artist to artist…that is true and fabulous!

Donna October 6, 2018 - 2:45 pm

Thank you for sharing your personal writing process. And the writing that flows through you to us. it’s powerful insight.

Shea Bell October 7, 2018 - 9:13 am

Hi..I think having a creative practice is one of the most important things we can do for our own well being and enlightenment. xo

Four Figs ~ Lined Up ~ Life ~ March 9, 2019 - 9:29 am

[…] […]

テザー チャート January 20, 2025 - 4:53 am

Reading your article helped me a lot and I agree with you. But I still have some doubts, can you clarify for me? I’ll keep an eye out for your answers.

Shea Bell January 20, 2025 - 12:14 pm

Surely, and thank you for reading. Please let me know your questions and I’ll try to respond.

bezplatn'y úcet na binance February 21, 2025 - 11:49 am

Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!

binance March 11, 2025 - 2:04 pm

Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!


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