A good friend once told me never to forget to laugh, and I cannot tell you how many times her advice popped into my head, like a mantra, at just the right moment, to save the day. It`s good to remember this at work, with friends and colleagues, but especially in a marriage, where there is no time to spend in misunderstandings. Live, laugh, and love. Just do it. Of course it takes some finesse and timing is everything.
This weekend I celebrate two sacred ceremonies. My nephew Matthew is to wed his dear heart Caroline, and my son’s good friend Benjy will likewise join hearts with his Ashlee. They are wonderful human beings, deeply in love and earnest, ready to take their relationships to this most important next step, to wed in faith that their futures together will create an even greater love for each other.
A wedding declares the full opening of the heart, offered purely to the other, trusting whatever comes there is strength in union, and that each joy will be multiplied. And it offers friends and family the chance to reconnect and celebrate their own true loves and remember all the ways love is present in their lives.
On this day of sacred commitment, I share with you a poem I wrote more than 10 years ago, to celebrate the engagement of my daughter.
It embraces softly and is quiet.
It is constant and clear.
It whispers.
It must be offered freely
and received the same
with reverence and gratitude.
It is the soft glove
that guides and saves.
It is the rose that brings
fragrance and beauty.
It is the melody that
moves the soul.
It is the worth of our being.
It belongs to each of us
separately and together
here on earth,
and with the one Great Love beyond,
yet ever present.
It is up to each one of us
to remember
the door is always open
to the infinite love
that will keep us dancing.

Keep dancing dear ones. I wish you both joyous times as you begin the co-creation of your dreams.