If we’re lucky, we’ve witnessed the tenderness alive in the hearts of little children; before the real world wedges in and before their spirits become cautious. It’s a beautiful time of innocence with the ability to take our breath away and almost change our DNA.
My granddaughters give me this every time we are together. The eldest has only been on earth for five years and the youngest three.
This year Covid put a halt to skin to skin contact. No kisses, no hugs, no warm flesh. Thankfully, we had technology to make connection possible.
One golden moment captured me a couple of weeks ago as I FaceTimed with my little ones, and it went a long way to healing some of the longing.

I heard their giggles before they came into view as their mom walked me, in her phone, down the hallway and into the bathroom. There my two angels were entirely in the moment enjoying the warm water and bubbles, in the midst of a hilarious sister game. When they heard my voice their heads swiveled and I was greeted with brilliant smiles and an enthusiastic “Jamma!”
We sat for a while, chatting away and catching up on just what had snagged their curiosity the previous week. Sometimes there are questions for me, like do I make my bed every morning.
At a break in the conversation I asked, “So ladies, what would you like for Christmas?”
With shining eyes, the oldest sat thoughtfully imagining her deepest desire. While she pondered, the little one bounced out of the tub landing squarely on the bathmat like she was sticking a gymnastics vault. It was a 10 for sure. No three-year-olds were injured in the process.
With that, her squishable little body, soaking wet and covered in bubbles, began to spin around, arms spread wide, face to the sky, eyes a twinkle.
Still twirling, she declared breathlessly, “All I want for Christmas is this house, my mom and dad, my sister, my dog, my bedroom, my sister, my Christmas tree, my sister….”
Bam! I wondered if my heart would ever to re-start, and suddenly felt drenched in the most precious and sought after elixir of life.
Pure love with a measure of gratitude.
What a gift to this pining Jamma, who must languish across a closed international border until the Pandemic lets up. And what a lovely demonstration of her parent’s loving nurture.
When I came back down to earth I was reminded that life is good, that I am very lucky, and that all I need to do to feel blessed is rekindle the love in my own heart. Angels are everywhere ready to help, some right there in our midst.

Very best wishes to all this holiday season. May love warm your heart and ease whatever ache may be causing sadness in your life.
And with this, may joy multiply.
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